Artist statement.

Interaction between mortality and immortality.

The moment of visualizing ,the visualization , plays an important role in my art. The image ,the meaning , their relation to one another, the emphatic impression of the image. These are elements that are very important. Materials,ways of handling etc. are less important.Not only the idea but also the way of giving concrete form to the idea is what it makes interesting. The different layers of meaning that originate in this way emphasize the symbolic character of the images. My way of working is characterized by a constant flow of drawings and notes , from which images slowly develop . These images are represented in paintings and litho's as if they were frozen moments. Taking a retrospective view of the images that have evolved thus far , they seem to be an interaction between mortality and immortality.

My prints Galerie Heike Arndt Mini - Maxi Berlijn

Leeuwarder Courant april 2024

My litho's at the Shanghai international print exhibition 2024

My three prints ( at the end of the corridor ) at the 9 e Print Triennial Sofia , Bulgarije, 2023

Senefelder Award 2023 Offenbach Germany

Solo exhibition : Een licht Gevoel van Onbehagen Litho’s en Schilderijen van Herman Noordermeer Kunstruimte H47  Leeuwarden

Catalogus :  Guanlan Printmaking Base China

Three small prints Galerie Heike Arndt Berlin

Exhibition Reminiscence 2022


Impressie tentoonstelling REMINISCENCE History Museum of Armenia Yerevan Juli / sept 2022

Oil on wood

2021 AAMA International Art Exhibition

Collage Litho's

Video 2020


First price Print Biennale Yervan
Armenie Armenie 2021
Printmaking Today Award Londen Engeland 2000
Honorable Mention Lessedra Print Sofia Bulgarije 2002
Tai-he Masterpiece Award Beijing China 2003
14e Space int.Print Biennial 3 Price Seoul Zuid-Korea 2009
Kili Kalit Award Istanbul Turkije 2011
Senfelder Award Preis Third Price Frankfurt Duitsland 2015
Litho Kielce Honorable Mention       Kielce Polen 2015
Int.Print Biennial Lodz            Honorable Mention Lodz Polen 2016
Int.Print Biennial Lodz Special Award Lodz Polen 2018
Osten Drawing Biennial Special Printmaking Award Skopje Macedonie 2018


Yan - Huang Museum Beijing China
Leenis Coporation Seoul Zuid-Korea
Bibliotheek Alexandria Alexandria Egypte
Douro Print Collection Douro Portugal
Guanlan Print Museum


National Palace of Culture Sofia Bulgarije
Fine Art Museum Taipai Taiwan
Kili Kalit Company                       Istanbul Turkije
Museum Ala Ponzone Cremona Italië

Catalogues print & drawing Biennal Skopje Macedonië Special Award

The Essence of art 2018 Paijan China

Special award for printmaking Osten biennial of drawing

Special Award for Printmaking Osten Drawing Biennial Skopje 2018

Litho workshop Kraan , Zwanenburg , the Netherlands

Interview Tribuna Romenia 2017

Drukken van mijn lithosteen in samenwerking met meesterdrukker Frans Homan.

Lithowerkplaats van Ginkel Zwanenburg.

Lithowerkplaats van Ginkel Zwanenburg.

Meesterdrukker Frans Homan lithowerkplaats van Ginkel Zwanenburg.

Omrop Fryslan K-Rute: Item starts at 08:45

International Print Triennial , Krakow-Falun 2016-2017

Formation China 2015 Guanlan

China 2016

Third price. 11e Int.Senefelder Award 2015.
Offenbach am Main. Germany.

2014 Tribunal Graphic Bulgarije

7e Bienal Internacional de Gravura do Douro 2014

Gallery Joure 2014

Drukken van mijn lithosteen in samenwerking met meesterdrukker Frans Homan.

Lithowerkplaats van Ginkel Zwanenburg

Workplace hometown

China 2012